Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Assignment # 19 Creative Process

This business card caught my attention because of its uniqueness and simplicity. The designer used green on black so that the green circle would pop out and he was creative by using the O as a camera lense.

I liked this card because it looked appealing and simple. It is very memorable and the simplicity will help people remember what the business is. Even though its not the usual shape of a card it can still be held in wallets without falling out or not fitting. And I also like the individuality of it and the uniqueness of the design and it looks like a trustworthy company.

Business cards are very important to companies because the way it looks and speaks to people determine wether or not the people will trust or want the companies help. A business card can say a lot about you, like if it is generic and plain, the targeted audience will not want to keep your card or use a company that is not individual and creative. A business card must have the number of the company, your number possibly, an address to your company and website or email, you also need the business name and employer. Being too creative with you card can also be bad because if you decide to change the shape or size of a normal card the people will not have place to put it in their wallet and results in them throwing it away or not picking up your business card.

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