Friday, October 21, 2011

1.Why is file management (organizing your design files) an integral part of the job/assignment process?

-It is more easy to find your work and it makes you look organized and responsible.

2.What is the resolution necessary for printing raster images (images from Photoshop)?

-300 Dpi

3.What is the resolution necessary for displaying images on a monitor or website?

-72 Dpi

4.Name the principles of design and define each in your own words?

Balance- The image has to be balanced with color, lines, etc

Proportion-The image should be proportionate and pleasing to the eye

Rhythm-The image should be equal and have even amount of space between the object

Emphasis- The man idea of the image should be emphasized and should have details that draw your eyes to it

Unity- The image itself should be unified the object should be corresponding with things around it

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