Lines: This picture came off as a man with colorful hair, the message it sends to me is that the designer is trying to emphasize on his colorful hair to say that some type of event is going on either an art show or musical or theatrical. It is using black and white to show us the seriousness and adds some curiosity. The designer used lines and curves and shapes to create this image the hair is all just lines and using the pen tool to curve the hair and the face could have been traced with a pen tool also .

Value: This image is a mouth with braces and I thought it was inspired by either a rock band because of the darkness and "old-fashioned" drawing technique and it could also be an ad for the orthodontics, because the braces are being emphasized the most. The designer used colors that are retro feeling and the red lipstick it a clue for me to think that maybe its a band singer and "she" is singing or yelling. It uses negative and positive colors to show depth and shadowed areas for a 3-D feel. The tools that could've been used are a pen tool, paint tool, pencil tool, etc. I think that the designer did a good job because wether or not the image was clear it draws you into the picture because of the colors and unique style.

Shapes: This image is of a monster and I thought maybe it was a magazine cover. The designer used the shaping tool to make dents and curves and circles. The colors are well played out because the designer uses all neutral colors and it makes the brown monster really stand out and it catches your eye. Im not sure what this cover is for because its in a different language but it seems like a magazine cover for children.

Texture: This picture is of a pencil but being represented as a christmas tree. The pencil is carved so that the shavings looks like tree leaves and it has depth so that it feels as if you can touch it and feel the shavings. The designer made it obvious that it was being represented as a tree because of the carving, green and red colors, and the top of the pencil had a star. I think that this would have been a magazine ad for christmas shopping. The designer uses texture in the background so that you can tell that its a wall with paint and not just a flat one colored background. I think that the pen tool was used for the shaved wood and also for the background or a paint tool.

Space: This image is of an explosion and it uses neon colors and black and grey and its an interesting picture to look at because so many things draw you in, the designer used a lot of different elements, he/she used texture, shapes, value, etc. The stars look 3-D because it has texture it feels as if you can reach out and grab it because its not a flat object. The houses at the bottom are made by using lines and the pen tool, the designer uses value and uses neon colors on black so that it has negative and positive space. The spacing between the houses and the explosion and she space between the stars are used to create a "pulled in" pinched look. This image comes off as a magazine maybe for a game that you play in your x-box, DS, game cube, etc, because they use colors and animation and it just looks fun and enjoyable.
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