Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hieroglyphics and the Egyptians | 3,000 BC

1. In the sixth century BC, Egypt was invaded by the Persians, Greeks, and the Romans.

2. Picture of the walls in temples.

3. Pyramids, tombs, and temples were discovered to honor their gods and inside they discovered carved and painted images on every wall and surface.

4. Scholars believed that Ancient Egyptians were influenced and inspired by Sumerians, Cuneiform and influenced by the concept of expressing words in writing.

5. Logograms were visual symbols representing ideas or objects and they were generally stylized and simplified while alphabetic or phonetic, variations came later as the language evolved into demotic.

6. The word Hieroglyphics came from two Greek words, Hiero meaning sacred and Glyphic meaning engraving or writing.

7. Scribes were priests who worked in the temples and could read and write instructions on the walls.

8. Military leaders were trained as scribes so that they can communicate while in battle.

9. Picture of hieroglyphics on papyrus

10. Papyrus is a substrate made from reeds native to Egypt and they were made by putting the wet reeds criss-cross over each other flattened and then dried, then they are rubbed with flat stones until the surface turned smooth.

11. Couldn't find what a substrate was.

12. Books of the Dead were commissioned by the users themselves before death.

13. Once the Persians ruled the few who could read and write died and nobody was taught or remembered how to read hieroglyphics.

14. Picture of the Rosetta Stone

15. French soldiers who were building a fort in Rosetta found a slab with inscriptions on it.

16. Egyptian, Demotic, and Greek were the three languages on the Rosetta Stone.

17. Nobody knew how to read hieroglyphics because of the Persian Control and a chunk was missing from it.

18. Champollion discovered that the inscription referred to King Ptolemy V Epiphanies at the same time of his coronation around 196 BC.

19. Because of the findings of the Rosetta Stone now we know the history of the Ancient Egyptians.

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