Monday, December 12, 2011

Semester Reflection

This semester I learned how to work independently and learned about work ethics, such as turning assignments in on time and that I should always be in class on time. Although its sometimes difficult I know i can always feel accomplished when i complete my work. Throughout the assignments our class learned a lot about using tools in adobe illustrator and photoshop, we learned about the white arrow tool that can distort an image or letter and the black arrow is for moving things around and making the image/letter bigger or smaller. The pen tool is used for tracing and the magic wand is for selecting one color of an image and deleting it from the rest of the image. And the lasso tool is the draw around the images you don't want to use and the text tool is the write text and the rectangle tool is the make a rectangle in general or it can be used to help make a clipping mask. The other side that has the history pallete is used to see and delete all the things that you did to your original image and the layers pallete is used to create layers and lock the previous ones so that you can work on recent stuff without messing up the past layers and you can unsee and see the image by clicking on the eye. The color pallete is used to find the color that you want to use and it has a stroke and fill which means that the fill "paints" everything inside and the stroke only getes the outside or edges. Next semester i would like to be more efficient in turning stuff in and studying more for tests. I look forward to working with doing magazine covers and making a collage.

Review Week #17

Who Shot the Serif Question:
What's a serif?
-its the curly bit at the ends of the letters

Have you learned anything?
-yes, I learned the differences between a serif and a sanserif and how early civilization used to carve out of stone and leave a curve or edge to a letter and thats how they started writing and that there are numerous types of serifs.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Review Week # 16

How many points are in an inch? How many are in a pica?
-72 in an inch
-12 in a pica

Of the seven classifications, which classification(s) would best work as a body type?
-1st, 4th, 6th and 7th

Identify the lowercase characters that have ascenders
-1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th

Identify the lowercase characters that descenders
-1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th

Slab Serif or Egyptian: Square serifs

San Serif: Strokes are in uniform

Decorative: Incorporated as objects
Black letter: Resembles calligraphy

Old Style or Roman: wedged shaped
Modern: Sharp contrast between thick and thin